Unfortunately, this is not the case. We want to make you understand that a conflict between soulmates is not necessarily bad but we also want to stress that it is unnecessary to argue!
Although the media and self-proclaimed specialists in Cosmopolitan & Co. want to ram this into you: Disputes do not change your relationship to the better. Struggling with your soul mate can be a sign of a misguided connection!
Struggle Generates Struggle And Nothing Else
Struggle is a weaker manifestation of war and can still produce victims scarred for life. Any dispute fought by the alleged soulmates (note the words of war and violence) could be an indication ultimately leading to separating your paths as partners and soulmates!
Tip: It could be helpful to do our free soulmate test!
A neighborhood dispute is stressful, yet a dispute with your soul mate can really depress you and harm your soul. No one should suspend such feelings on purpose. You should always aim at becoming happy as that's your most important goal.
Those who argue, are not happy. Dispute and strife does only exist and persist in broken relationships. We still want to explicitly point out that these compounds can be "fixed".
However, if you already talk of a broken relationship, and feel that it's true, repairing your broken relationship with your soulmate seems less useful than a new orientation: It is perhaps time to find a new soul mate!
Image CC 2.0 by brain sonic / flickr