Are You My Perfect Soulmate?

Hey, listen: We would love to answer your question but we can't. It's your turn to recognise your soulmate and say 'yes' or 'no'. Whether you have finally found your soulmate or not can screw up your life. Seriously, because if you find your soulmate you will most likely close your eyes and try to relax. But if it's not really your soulmate you will suddenly open your eyes and see your life being a living hell. Well, that is it for the worst case scenario.

You could try to answer your question by doing our free soulmate test. It's really easy as you simply have to answer a few questions to determine whether you are on the right path or not!

Originally your question should be very easy to answer because everytime you feel lucky, happy and plain good you seem to do the right things. Living with your soulmate is probably a good definition of 'doing the right thing', so go for it!

If you and your soulmate feel like 'Wow, it feels like we were made for each other. I feel like I belong to you. I feel like I am you.' and vice versa, you should be pretty fine with your assumption to have found your perfect soulmate.

But if (and we hope that this is not the case) you and your soulmate begin struggling in the very beginning of your relationship you should step back for a moment and try another perspective: 'Do I really want to struggle?' and 'Is struggling allowed when I'm with my soulmate?' and 'Do soulmates struggle at all?'

Most likely you'll say 'no' and that's fine. Don't struggle. Don't let your situation become the worst case scenario we mentioned above. You might also like our article: Let Go Of Your Soulmate

Falls ihr euch zwar gut versteht, aber schon zu Beginn einer beliebig gearteten Beziehung mit Missverständnissen und unterschiedlichen Argumenten zu wichtigen Themen wie (körperlicher) Liebe, Zusammensein, dem Sinn des Lebens, etc. streitet, dann solltest du dir eventuell ein Herz fassen und diesen nur scheinbar perfekten Seelenpartner loslassen...

Read this article in German: Habe ich meinen Seelenpartner gefunden?

Picture CC 2.0 by tj scenes / flickr