Most human beings don't even think about simply attracting (pulling towards) their soulmates, because they think great goals have to be hard to accomplish. They believe that the path leading to happiness and joy is a brutal way of self-punishment. They also believe they need (!?) to recognise and finally find their soulmates in order to meet them...
This is not true as you could also just 'wait' for your soulmate to do the 'work'.
A very popular and well-known feature of being someone's soulmate is your ability to communicate with said soul(mate) on a higher level. This might be telepathy or crazy microwaves floating through time and space. Whatever it is and whatever you might think it is: We know (and experience every day) that there is pure force leading us to do certain things. This force is nothing but our feeling. Our prolonging to feel good.
So - if we combine one soul and another - you can attract your soulmate by clearing your mind and making conscious wishes. How? We will show you.
Attracting soulmate is as easy as talking on the phone
And an amazingly similiar process indeed! Imagine yourself holding a mobile in your hands. Lift it towards your ear and mouth as if you wanted to call somebody. Now imagine to dial the special number (this is the imaginary part) and listen to the phone ringing as your soulmate is getting ready to answer your call!To be honest you could also screw this idea and just rely on your positive thoughts about your soulmate, because - as you perhaps already know from Abraham Hicks - you will attract what you think about. Just think about it.
It is, again, very important to be in a good mood while you are 'calling' your soulmate, because crazy microwaves floating through time and space are very sensitive to your bad feelings, too. Open your mind and let your soulmate in.
Read this article in German: Seelenpartner anziehen
Picture CC 2.0 by turkishdisco at flickr.com