However, finding your soulmate is the logical consequence of seeking him (or her). You cannot fail with this special task. If you open your eyes you will be able to see.
The most difficult part of your journey lies within you and your doubts! You are most likely thinking that your journey will never end. You energize your feelings about your soulmate - but with the wrong polarity. Think positive.
You have to concentrate on pure feelings to get rid off thoughts which were implanted into your brain to make you think to want 'something even more special' and so on.
Who cares about how long your soulmate's hair is? Who is really interested in the height and weight of a being if he or she is in love? Blend out misleading THOUGHTS and blend in proper FEELINGS about your perfect soulmate.
A soul is nothing you could physically touch or hold, it is not material. Neither is your desire. And because of your desire being a metaphysical feature it could be that your real soulmate 'hides' within a being (mostly human) you would not recognise as such with your senses! It could even be a 'ugly' person; in this case it would be even harder to 'see' the true character of the very being you declare 'ugly'.
So how to find a soulmate?
Unfortunately there does not exist a 'right answer' to your question. Every being has its dual soul, sometimes you won't find it for years - then suddenly the missing pieces of the jigsaw are falling into place.If you are short of time you will mosty likey experience a struggle in most of your relationships. That is, easily said, your own fault as you should always trust in your emotional guidance system (yes, I'm referring to Abraham Hicks now).
Your true desire will finally lead you to the other desire which drives somebody else towards you. As you can imagine this can happen within a very short amount of time. If two things thrust towards each other they are bound to either merge or recoil.
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